Lisnaskea Medical Centre

Social Prescribing

Maple supports the great work that is happening within our communities and works closely with the community and voluntary sector to promote health and well-being.

The Oak Healthy Living Centre

At Oak there is lots going on to do with staying healthy and improving your overall feeling of well being. They offer a Social Prescribing service. A link worker would talk to you, identify your health and well being plans and decide together with you what is available in your community with regards activities. The also offer a befriending service, a drop in clinic, a Falls prevention programme and many more. Please check out their website or ask one of us here at Maple to be referred.


Mpower offers a support service for anybody over 65 with one or more chronic illnesses. A chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression etc. can make you feel isolated and often means many visit to the doctor’s. MPower’s linkworker will assess your needs by doing a Health and Well being assessment, look at linking you in with activities or initiatives in your community and also investigate the option of using modern technology to make life a bit easier on you eg. less doctor’s visits, more control over own condition etc. Please ask any of us at Maple if you feel you could benefit from a referral to mPower.

Fermanagh Active Living Project- NOW Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARS)

The practice is involved in the Physical Activity Referral Scheme which provides a route for GPs and Nurses to refer appropriate patients to their local Leisure Centre for supervised exercise programmes. There is compelling evidence that physical activity provides protectors against a number of diseases including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, colon cancer and depression.