Lisnaskea Medical Centre


To book an appointment you can ring the practice between 9 and 10.30 AM when all receptionists are on the phones and a triaging clinician is supporting the reception team to arrange an appointment for you if clinically indicated with an appropriate healthcare professional in a timely manner. Our receptionists are trained and very competent in signposting you to the right healthcare professional and to do so they will ask you a few standard questions.

For less urgent matters you can contact us by sending us a message using AccuRx.

We recommend a routine appointment (telephone or face-to-face) for an ongoing matter and with the clinician who you may have been attended with for this issue. 

Routine appointments are also suitable for blood investigation monitoring/investigations (if recommended by a clinician), with the practice nurses for your annual chronic disease check or for eg. injections and dressings.

Home Visits are reserved for our house bound patients and we ask to call the surgery before 10.30 AM to request a home visit, The visiting doctor will ring you back to discuss your concerns and organise an assessment.

Treatment Room; You can book an appointment with the treatment room ringing reception between 9-10.30 AM or send a message via AccuRx. . Usually patients are referred by the doctor or nurse. The Treatment Room opens from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and closes for lunch from1pm-2pm. Patients will be seen by appointment only.

Forms, letters and sick notes: Please mention to the receptionist/on your Text message you are looking to get a form filled in, to get a letter or a sick note. The receptionist will guide you what the best way is to get this organised as you often don’t have to come in for an appointment. In general we do not fill in forms for Gyms, do letters for schools or for the housing executive. Some people need medical information for their benefit review. We offer a print out detailing your medical conditions and medications. Any other letters are classified as ‘private’ and a fee will apply.



Date published: 12th December, 2014
Date last updated: 9th March, 2022