Medicine Sick Day rules- please follow when suffering fevers/sweats/shaking or/and vomiting/diarrhoea
AKI Card
AKI Card
There is no need to do anything new or different when ordering or taking your mediation People should order (online or by leaving tick and post in the postbox outside … [continue] COVID-19 and your medication
To celebrate Social Prescribing Day there will be a Healthy Breakfast at the Health Centre between 8.30am and 11.00am on Thursday 12th March 2020 followed by a Relaxation Session between … [continue] Social Prescribing Day – Healthy Breakfast Thursday 12th March 2020 – EVENT NOW CANCELLED
If you have symptoms of high temperature and cough and have travelled abroad within the last 2 weeks or have been in contact with anyone who has travelled please telephone … [continue] COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information for Patients
We are delighted to announce that our newsletter is now out and available free of charge at Maple Surgery and our local pharmacies including McDaids, Armstrongs, Clarkes and Carsons in Lisnaskea. … [continue] Maple Surgery News – Out Now!
This is a promotion video of Queens. As a practice we were involved as we have hosted medical students for years and enjoy showing them the ins and outs of … [continue] Putting your Practice on the Map
This is an article of BBC NI highlighting the problems with GP recruitment and Dr. Mark Cromie was interviewed for that. You can read the article in full by clicking … [continue] Increase in number of GPs in Northern Ireland
Our Reception is open between 9am and 1pm and 2pm and 5pm Mon-Fri. If you require URGENT help when Reception is closed please press 1 on our phone system to … [continue] Reminder Reception Opening Times
Prevention is almost always better than the cure and we want to encourage you, now that the days are a little longer to get outside, take a walk and breath … [continue] Walk into A Healthier Summer
We often have patients attend the surgery with minor ailments that can be treated through the Minor Ailment Scheme. What is the minor ailment scheme? The minor ailment scheme is … [continue] A Minor Ailment Scheme Reminder
Maple supports the great work that is happening within our communities and works closely with the community and voluntary sector to promote health and well-being. The Oak Healthy Living Centre … [continue] Social Prescribing